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Leadership Bookshelf (I - L)
Leadership Bookshelf
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Influence: Gaining Commitment, Getting Results, Second edition. 2011
Scharlatt, Harold
Influence; Leadership; Psychology
Access link: EBSCO
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything. 2007
Patterson, Kerry; Grenny, Joseph; Maxfield, David; McMillan, Ron; Switzler, Al
Influence; Psychology
Access links: ProQuest
The Invisible Employee: Using Carrots to See the Hidden Potential in Everyone, Second edition. 2009
Gostock, Adrian; Elton, Chester
Employee Motivation; Psychology
Access links: ProQuest
Lead, Drive & Thrive in the System. 2014
Mensik, Jennifer
Health Services Administration; Leadership
Access link: EBSCO
The Leader As Communicator: Strategies and Tactics to Build Loyalty, Focus Effort, and Spark Creativity. 2003
Mai, Robert P.; Akerson, Alan
Communication in Management; Communication in Organizations; Leadership
Access link: EBSCO
Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't. 2014
Sinek, Simon
Corporate Culture; Leadership; Organizational Change
Access link: EBSCO
The Leader's Pocket Guide: 101 Indispensable Tools, Tips, and Techniques for Any Situation. 2013
Baldoni, John
Executive Ability; Leadership
Access link: EBSCO
Leadership and Management in Integrated Services. 2010
McKimm, Judy; Phillips, Kay
Health Services Administration; Interagency Coordination; Leadership
Access link: EBSCO
Leadership and Management in Nursing Test Success: An Unfolding Case Study Review. 2013
Cornelius, Frances H.; Wittmann-Price, Ruth A.
Leadership; Nurse Administrators
The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations, Sixth edition. 2017
Kouzes, James M.; Posner, Barry Z.
Executive Ability; Leadership; Management
Access link: EBSCO
Leadership, Feedback and the Open Communication Gap. 2008
Atwater, Leanne E.; Waldman, David A.
Leadership; Management Communication
Access link: EBSCO
The Little Book of Leadership Development: 50 Ways to Bring Out the Leader in Every Employee. 2011
Allen, Scott J.; Kusy, Mitchell
Access link: EBSCO
The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World. 2021
Clark, Dorie
Career Development; Planning; Quality of Life
Access link: EBSCO
Long-Term Care Director of Nursing Field Guide, Second edition. 2011
Acello, Barbara
Leadership; Management; Nursing Administrators
Access link: EBSCO