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Leadership Bookshelf

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Talent Conversations: What They Are, Why They're Crucial, and How to Do Them Right. 2011

Smith, Roland; Campbell, Michael

Ability; Leadership

Access link: EBSCO

Talent Leadership: A Proven Method for Identifying and Developing High-Potential Employees. 2012

Mattone, John; Xavier, Luiz

Employees; Leadership; Performance; Personnel Management

Access link: EBSCO

Team Leadership and Partnering in Nursing and Health Care. 2013

Persily, Cynthia Armstrong

Administration; Interprofessional Relations; Leadership; Personnel Management

Access link: EBSCO

Team-Building Handbook: Accountability Strategies for Nurses. 2015

Dohmann, Eileen Lavin

Responsibility; Teams in the Workplace

Access link: EBSCO

Team-Building Handbook: Improving Nurse-Physician Communications. 2015

Bartholomew, Kathleen

Communication; Healthcare Teams; Medical Cooperation

Access link: EBSCO

Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well. 2015

Stone, Douglas; Heen, Sheila

Cognitive Psychology; Feedback; Interpersonal Communication

Access link: EBSCO

Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable for Managers (And Their Employees). 2007

Lencioni, Patrick

Career Development; Employee Motivation; Job Satisfaction

Access links: EBSCOProQuest

Toxic Nursing: Managing Bullying, Bad Attitudes, and Total Turmoil, Second edition. 2021

Dellasega, Cheryl

Bullying in the Workplace; Interpersonal Relationships; Nursing Phycological Aspects' Nersing Services Administration; Personnel Management

Access link: EBSCO

Transformational Leadership in Nursing: From Expert Clinician to Influential Leader, Second edition. 2017

Marshall, Elaine Sorensen; Broome, Marion E.

Leadership; Nurse Administrators; Supervisory Nursing

Access link: EBSCO

The Truth about Leadership: The No-Fads, Heart-of-the-Matter Facts You Need to Know. 2010

Kouzes, James M.; Posner, Barry Z.

Executive Ability; Leadership

Access link: ProQuest

